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Guide For Admins 🚩

Welcome to Gumb!

This guide helps community-owners and admins get started.

Not sure if this guide is for you? Team admins are the community owner (the person who created the community and manages your subscription) and anyone they grant admin rights to.

If your community already exists, skip "Create your community" and go directly to "Guidelines".

Create your community

Follow these steps to create a community:

To create a community, you must have an active trial or a subscription (see Profile - Subscription).

1. Log in to Gumb: Log-in

2. Click on the plus button under your profile picture on the left.

3. Enter a name and category for your community.

4. Click on "Create community".


In the section below, you'll find instructions for successful team scheduling and perfect appointment coordination:

If you've been added as an admin to your community, sign in to start your team planning. You can view and manage members and teams, as well as adjust community settings using the gear icon ⚙ at the top. However, please refrain from making changes without consulting the community owner or other Gumb admins.

Before adding members, set all community settings ⚙ first.

- Edit community homepage and details

Customize notifications

Create event types

- Create answer options

- Create tasks

Once everything is set up, go to member management:

Add new user

Manage membership requests

Member administration

Roles and Permissions

- Matrix

- Guide for (new) members to share: Create your account 💁🏻

Create events

You can create and plan events at any time, before or after you've added members.

Create events

Download links for the Gumb App: Where can I get the Gumb App?

Important Links to Share: All the key links at a glance

If you have questions or require support, please contact us via our contact form.